bio-, bi-, -bia, -bial, -bian, -bion, -biont, -bius, -biosis, -bium, -biotic, -biotical
(Greek: life; living, live, alive)
Don’t confuse this element with another bi- which means "two".
The most important things in life are not things.
An area where species are living on or among rocks or stones: Chaotic though a bird petrobiont may appear, it is considered to be an organized, orderly community, where each kind of feathered animal has its own preference as to which location it will have for its nesting on the cliff.
As harsh as the conditions of life on a rocky shore may seem to a human observer, the birds obviously thrive and multiply in their petrobionts.
Mountain goats exist in their special petrobionts and have adapted to dwelling among the rocky formations as mountain climbers!
petrobiontic (adjective), more petrobiontic, most petrobiontic
Relating to living in rocky habitats: One example of petrobiontic areas are mountains which are homes for many different forms of life, including various plants and animals.

pharmacology [biochemical]
The branch of pharmacology concentrating on drug biotransformation and the biochemical aspects of drug metabolism and drug action at a cellular or subcellular level.
A persons life shown in a series of photographs.
1. The study of the effects of light on living things.
2. That part of biology designed to destroy tissues with a concentrated light beam; such as, a laser.
2. That part of biology designed to destroy tissues with a concentrated light beam; such as, a laser.
1. In biology, dependent upon light for existence.
2. Used to describe organisms that need light in order to live and grow.
2. Used to describe organisms that need light in order to live and grow.
The algal component of a lichen; any alga that is associated with a fungus to form a lichen.
A friendly association between ants and termites.
The study of leaves.
Botany, particularly the life history of plants.
Living within plants; applies to some protozoans.
prebiotic (adjective); more prebiotic, most prebiotic
A reference to the period before the existence of life on earth: For his dissertation at university, Pablo wrote about the more prebiotic conditions on the third planet from the sun, describing such things as gases and explosions.
An association of two organisms that enhances the life processes of both.
The phase of science dealing with life forms more minute than bacteria; such as, the ultraviruses and bacteriophages.
1. Initial structures during the origin of life which can show at least one property of life.
2. An aggregate of organic molecules surrounded by a membrane or a membrane-like structure.
2. An aggregate of organic molecules surrounded by a membrane or a membrane-like structure.
Protobionts exhibit some of the properties associated with life, including simple reproduction, metabolism and excitability; as well as, the maintenance of an internal chemical environment different from that of their surroundings.